Start Whole Grains Early

Photo of girl with whole wheat bread.

Introducing whole-grain foods to children when they are young helps them learn to love them.

  • Combine two or three of their favorite whole-grain cereals with different shapes. Talk about the shapes to help them learn to name them.
  • Top oatmeal with a favorite fruit and spices.
  • Stuff a whole-grain tortilla with chopped veggies, scrambled eggs, and low fat cheese.
  • Pack a sandwich bag with a little whole-grain dry cereal for your kids to eat at the park, mall, or grocery store. 
  • Serve whole-grain crackers with soup or salads for lunch. Serve them with low fat cheese and a slice of tomato on top for a quick snack. 
  • Make a healthy pizza. Top a whole-grain tortilla or English muffin with fresh tomato slices, low fat cheese, leftover chicken, or other lean meat and pizza spices. Heat and serve! 
  • Try different shapes and colors of whole-wheat pasta. Sprinkle it with a little olive oil and low fat cheese. Add chopped veggies and spices or tomato sauce for a quick lunch or dinner. 
  • Use whole-grain pasta for your macaroni and cheese recipes and other family favorites, too.