If you love a good bargain, you will love these money-saving coupon tips.
- Look for coupons in unexpected places: with your receipt, as peel-offs on items, and on signs along aisle shelves. Many stores still send ads and coupons for promotion, so don’t overlook that so-called “junk mail.” You can also do a Web search for “coupons.” Go through your coupons at least once a month and toss out any expired ones.
- Brand-name coupons are found as inserts in the paper every Sunday. Some stores will double the value of brand-name coupons on certain days. Maximize your savings by using coupons on sale items. You may find huge deals such as “buy one get one free."
- Keep organized by sorting coupons either by item or in alphabetical order. Developing a system that’s easy for you can make finding coupons quick and hassle-free. Ideas for coupon storage include three-ring binders, accordion-style organizers, or plain envelopes.
- Find a coupon buddy! Swap coupons you won’t use with a friend. You can get rid of clutter and discover additional discounts on your favorite items.