Help Your Neighborhood Support More Physical Activity

Image of Create Safe Places to Play PDF.
An image of a neighborhood checklist


If it is hard to be physically active where you live, the first thing you can do is look around your neighborhood and find out what is keeping you from being more physically active. To help with this, answer these questions: 

Champion moms walking outdoors

Did you answer “no” to any of these questions? Or, did you come up with other problems? If you did, your neighborhood is ready for some good changes. Click here for more tools to see if your community supports physical activity.

Simple steps that you can take

  • Know that every neighborhood deserves to be clean, with safe places to enjoy fun physical activities.
  • Believe that you, your family, and your neighbors can help make changes that support more physical activity.
  • Talk to family, friends, and neighbors. Find the things in your neighborhood that make it hard to be physically active.
  • Meet with neighborhood leaders and city officials to talk about these problems. Give your suggestions, and make a plan of action. Stay at it until steps are taken to make it easier to get fun, safe physical activity in your neighborhood.
  • Learn more about how to voice your concerns, make a plan of action, and create changes in your neighborhood  to make physical activity easier to do.